Final Fantasy 6(3)

Made by: Squaresoft
Year made: 1994
System: Super Nintendo
Multiple Endings: No
Playible Characters: 14
Time Period: Midevil

  This was probably my first big RPG.  It was my favorite for a long time and   
  there are many good reasons for this.  First, the game is extremily mature for
  a game in 1994, where many held a more light hearted tone (Mario Brothers for
  example).  Final Fantasy 6, which was called Final Fantasy 3 in the USA, was
   a great step foward for RPGs.  The game has some of the best music in any RPG.  
    and the characters were top notch.  The story is of an evil empire that goes 
    too far in it's take over of the world.  The bad guy, Kefka, is truely evil and
  it is interesting to see how his evil ways hurt all the characters in the game.
  For SNES, the graphics are also really well done and the spells are pretty cool
--Other Stuff--
  to look at.  In all, this was, in my mind, the best Final Fantasy game ever,
  and I am glad that it was re-done in Final Fantasy Anthologies.